Effective PM&V plays a crucial role in the construction of large-scaleinfrastructureaswellasin the manufacturing process. Therefore, Prime Concrete is developing and managing an extensive fleet of equipment, such as:
• Heavy earthmoving equipment
• Haulage trucks
• Concrete mixer trucks and pumps
• Lifting cranes
• Concrete paver
• Road construction machinery
We are carefully selecting PM&V, with a high degree of equipment standardisation most suitable for significant operations.
Construction plant and equipment operation availability and condition is controlled and monitored by the CCC Plant System, which is approved and certified under ISO 9001.
During mobilisation for a project, all aspects of the construction plant and equipment requirements are planned by the central PMV Department, including the workshop and maintenance facilities, stores, stocks, procedures, a library for parts and service manuals, consumables, workshop, and maintenance personnel, maintenance programs and policies.
Throughout the project’s duration, the central PMV Department monitors the construction plant and equipment performance and availability with frequent site visits by experts to inspect the construction plant and give support where necessary.
But our primary care is to develop the skills and knowledge of our operators to ensure safe and highly efficient operations.
We are managing an extensive fleet of equipment