Employer: APM Terminals, Poti
General Contractor: Prime Concrete
Design Engineer: Royal Haskoning DHV
Type of contract: Red FIDIC
Value: 2.2 million USD
The original Berth # 15 (block work wall) was built in 1904. It had a length of approximately 105m. In 1970 the berth was extended (with a sheet-pile wall) at the Southern side by 50m. In the past, the berth was a grain terminal, but in 1984 operations ceased and since then the berth has not been operational. After rehabilitation in 2013, Berth # 15 is the most modern wheat transshipment terminal on the Black Sea.
Scope of works:
• Demolition of existing capping beam and berth pavement
• Construction of new quay wall and capping beam – 160 m
• Construction of new berth pavement – 2500 m2
• Installation of firefighting facilities and pumping house
• Installation of electrical and lighting facilities